General Company Information

 Country Type Corporate Taxes: Local Corporate Taxes: Offshore Corporate Tax Rate: Local Corporate Tax Rate: Offshore Formation Fee6 Renewal Fee6 Processing Time2 Standard Share Capital
Hong Kong Limited Company – Private Yes No 8.25 – 16.5% 0.00% US$975.001
1 – 2 Days 50,000 @ US$1.00/Share
British Virgin Islands Business Company No No 0.00% 0.00% US$1,850.003 US$1,550.003 1 – 5 Days 50,000 @ US$1.00/Share
Nevis Limited Liability Company Yes No 33% 0.00% US$1,450.004 US$1,400.004 1 – 5 Days $1.00 Capital Contribution
Cayman Islands Exempted Company No No 0.00% 0.00% US$3,340.005 US$2,840.005 5 – 9 Days 50,000 @ US$1.00/Share
Belize Limited Liability Company Yes No 0.75 – 25% 0.00% US$1,290.00 US$1,040.00 2 – 5 Days $1.00 Capital Contribution
Anguilla IBC No No 0.00% 0.00% US$1,350.00 US$1,350.00 1 – 5 Days 50,000 @ US$1.00/Share
Seychelles IBC Yes No 1.5% 0.00% US$1,000.005 US$950.005 5 – 9 Days 100,000 @ US$1.00/Share

Formation Requirements*

 Country Type Director/Manager Min Requirements Shareholder/Member Min Requirements Registered Agent Registered Office Public Records
Hong Kong Limited Company – Private 1 – Director – Person 1 Shareholder – Person/Entity Yes Yes Yes
British Virgin Islands Business Company 1 – Director – Person/Entity 1 Shareholder – Person/Entity Yes Yes No
Nevis Limited Liability Company 1 – Manager – Person/Entity 1 Member – Person/Entity Yes Yes No
Cayman Islands Exempt Company 1 – Director – Person/Entity 1 Shareholder – Person/Entity Yes Yes No
Belize Limited Liability Company 1 – Manager – Person/Entity 1 Member – Person/Entity Yes Yes No
Anguilla IBC 1 – Director – Person/Entity 1 Shareholder – Person/Entity Yes Yes No
Seychelles IBC 1 – Director – Person/Entity 1 Shareholder – Person/Entity Yes Yes No

Maintenance Requirements*

 Country Type Tax Filing Requirements Financial Accounts Requirements Annual Return Filing Requirements8 Economic Substance Filing
Hong Kong Limited Company – Private Yes Yes – Audited Yes No
British Virgin Islands Business Company No Yes – Unaudited No Yes
Nevis Limited Liability Company No Yes – Unaudited CIT 101 Filing No
Cayman Islands Exempt Company No Yes – Audited No Yes
Belize Limited Liability Company No Yes – Unaudited No No
Anguilla IBC No No No No
Seychelles IBC No Yes – Unaudited No Yes
    1.  Includes Government Fees:  HK$2,150.00 Business Registration Fee and HK$105.00 Government Annual Fee. Government Fees subject to change at the sole discretion of the HK Government.
    2. Processing Time is in Business Days and starts after your due diligence has been approved and payments of services is paid in full.
    3. Fee is for BVI Company setup with 50,000 and less of Authorized Capital. Includes Government Fees and required Economic Substance Report Filing.
    4. Includes Government Fees and annual CT101 Filing.
    5. Includes Government Fees and annual Economic Substance Report Filing.
    6. Fees are All-in Fee with NO hidden charges. Fees include all mandatory government and filings fees. Most Corporate Service Providers DO NOT include fees for mandatory filings such as the Economical Substance Reporting.
    7. Registers are to be updated with the Registered Agents/Company Secretary at all times.
      * – Government Requirements can change any time at the sole discretion of the respective governing bodies.